MapServer MapCache: Fast and Featureful Tile Serving
What's a Tiling Server
- Precomputed 256x256 images for fast access to static data
- Grid (projection, extent, resolutions)
- Source (WMS, MapServer, GDAL)
- Cache
- Tileset
- Service
What's MapCache?
- Tiling Library with Apache, FastCGI, Nginx and Node frontends
- Versatile
- Multiple Cache Backends
- Multiple Protocols
- Tile Management Features: seeding, recompression, interpolation
- Native code: Fast and Efficient
- Ease deployment: Demo interface
- Started as an independant project in 2010
- Integrated under MapServer governance in 2012
Standard Tile Addressing
- WMTS (RestFull + KVP)
- VirtualEarth QuadKeys
- MapGuide
- Google x,y,z
- WMS-Tiled
- Responds to untiled requests by assembling tiles
- Can mirror a full WMS service: layer-by-layer, layer lists
- Forwards GetFeatureInfo requests
(OGC) Proxy
- Intercepts requests that can be served from cached tiles
- Forwards other requests to other upstream server(s)
- Use Case
- Caching HTTP Headers
- "Auto" Expiry of old tiles
- Error Reporting
- Error Message
- Empty Image
- Status Code
- Meta-Tiling
- Watermarking
- Max-Cached-Zoom: Upsample lower level tiles
Image Operations
- Image data can be recompressed/optimized before being stored into a tile
- Avoid double JPEG compression, i.e. request PNG from source WMS
- Be agressive on compression when storing a tile (e.g. quantized PNG with max compression)
- CPU time for dynamic recompressions can be lowered, at the cost of more bandwidth
Image Formats
- Compression level
- Quantization (color reduction to 8bit palette)
- Compression level
- Mixed (JPEG + PNG)
- Use for raster coverages on limited areas
- PNG for tiles with transparency
- JPEG otherwise
Handling Empty/Uniform Tiles
- Strategy dependent on the cache backend
- Symbolic linking
- Reconstruct Paletted 1bit PNG from uniform color
- For fully seeded caches, treat absent tile as fully transparent
- Multiple Grids per Tileset (e.g. WGS84 + Mercator)
- Handles Grid Aliasing
- EPSG:3857/EPSG:900913
- Non Standard Codes
- Grid Subsets
- min/max resolution
- Restricted extent (with tolerance!)
- Backend able to store tile data for given x,y,z
- Extensible: Exists(), Get(), Put(), Delete()
- Some backend specific hacks: symlinking, blank detection
Disk Cache
- Mainly for dev, testing, or small tilesets
- Pros
- Simple, just provide a base directory
- Fast
- Supports blank tile detection
- (Re-)Use custom layouts: TileCache, ArcGis, Template
- Cons
- Difficult to manage large number of files
- Hits File System Limits
- Wasted space due to File Sytem block size
Sqlite Cache
- Stores tile data as blobs in an sqlite file
- Pros
- Single File
- Extensible to support any schema (MBtiles implemented)
- Efficient Space (blank tile detection possible)
- Cons
- Some tweaking needed for very large caches (more than 1 Tb)
- Concurrent Insertions
- Ideal for Temporary Data: Forecasts, Sensors, ...
- Pros
- Easily distributed
- Automatic pruning
- Cons
(Geo)TIFF Cache
- Specialized storage for satellite imagery basemaps
- JPEG tiles are read directly from a constrained (Geo)TIFF file hierarchy
- Configurable number of tiles per TIFF file
- Templated access to file name
- Pros
- Efficient on disk usage (TIFF container)
- TIFF files can be shared with other applications
- Cons
- Limited to JPEG data (no transparency)
- No Concurrent writing to a single TIFF file
- Updates/deletion of individual tiles does not reclaim storage space
- Use-Case
Seeder: Pre-generating tiles
- Multi thread/process seeding
- "Drill-Down" mode to take advantage of caching on source WMS
- Seed particular subset
- Given Dimension
- Regenerate old tiles
- Restricted min/max zoom and/or extent
- Restrict to geometry (e.g. seed to level 18 all areas where population density is over a given value)
- Pruning mode
- Multiple Dimensions per Tileset
- E.g. Forecast Time, Elevation
- Multiple Types
- List of Values
- Intervals
- Regular Expression
- Use-Case: BoM MetEye
- Each timestamp corresponds to a limited extent
- Dynamic Mosaic given a requested time interval
- c.f. ESA ngEO Presentation at 15:00
What's coming next
- TMS/GDAL source
- Native
- S3, Riak Caches
- Vector Tiles (UTFGrid)
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